11,917 research outputs found

    Networked Learning: Designing for adult literacy learners

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    This paper reports on analysis of an online learning network catering for adult basic education. It introduces some key concepts from research on networked learning, as well as two complementary approaches that are useful to support and inform analysis and design of technology-enhanced environments. One approach is informed by ideas about the design of learning environments in which pedagogies are combined with complex technological arrangements. The other approach shows how ideas from urban and architectural design, particularly the work by Christopher Alexander on design patterns and pattern languages, can be used to support design for learning. Part of the argument for combining these two perspectives is that, in trying to manage the complex possibilities of new network technologies, pedagogical and humanistic ideals are easily damaged, forgotten or lost. The analytic work involves some methodological innovation, partly because of the data sources involved. It uses interviews as well as screenshots of web pages, other online artefacts and data logs; these sources allow the researcher to look ‘beyond the screen’ to reconstruct the deeper architecture of what has been created for, and by, the participants in the network. The preliminary outcomes show how connections can be drawn between some of the key qualities of what has been designed alongside the various configurations of things, places, tasks, activities, and people influencing learning. Eventually, what is learned from a case study is discussed with the aim of informing design of similar learning networks

    As políticas Nacionais, os Planos Estratégicos de Educação e o Ensino Técnico Profissional em Moçambique

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    O Ensino Técnico em Moçambique tem a responsabilidade de formar mão-de-obra qualificada para os diversos sectores económicos e sociais e deverá reflectir as necessidades para o desenvolvimento da economia nacional e terá um carácter terminal na carreira académica, sendo por isso de grande importância a qualidade e a relevância dos programas de ensino. Existe também a responsabilidade de dotar os alunos com os conhecimentos e as habilidades necessárias para conseguirem emprego e terem rendimentos que lhes permitam sustentar uma família. Com esta comunicação pretendemos apresentar a evolução desta modalidade de ensino-formaçã

    Using Cost Observation to Regulate Bureaucratic Firms

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    We study regulation of a bureaucratic provider of a public good in the presence of moral hazard and adverse selection. By bureaucratic we mean that it values output in itself, and not only profit. Three different financing systems are studied - cost reimbursement, prospective payment, and the optimal contract. In all cases, the output level increases with the bureaucratic bias. We find that the optimal contract is linear in cost (fixed payment plus partial cost-reimbursement). A stronger preference for high output reduces the tendency of the firm to announce a high cost (adverse selection), allowing a more powered incentive scheme (a lower fraction of the costs is reimbursed), which alleviates the problem of moral hazard.Procurement, Regulation, Adverse selection, Moral hazard, Bureaucracy

    Piloting VAKE (Values and Knowledge Education) in the Education for Practice of Nurses.

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    Imagine the following situation: You are a nurse for elderly people, going to the homes of your patients. A female patient tells you on our first visit after hospital discharge following a hip fracture surgery that she does not want to be at home, because she is not well enough to be alone and she needs therapy with oxygen in permanent basis until she recovers from a respiratory temporary infection situa¬tion. This kind of situations is the starting point for an educational sequence that ad-dresses both values (here: life, human dignity, respect, loneliness) and knowledge (different medical treatments, legal rules, etc.). The example shows how intensely interrelated the values and the facts are. Based on this example we introduce the constructivist didactical tool VaKE (Values and Knowledge Education) that permits to combine both issues, and present a pilot study using this method in the education of nurses.Tempus/LLAF; VAKEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Looking for the Core of a Knowledge-based Sea Cluster: A Social Network Analysis in a Maritime Region

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    For more than two decades cluster policies have emerged as a central focus for decision-makers trying to instigate territorial development. The benefits, especially in terms of collective learning, knowledge sharing and other types of agglomeration economies and spill-over effects, are well stressed in the regional science literature. Today the relevance of maritime activities and marine resources to economic development is acknowledged. For several European countries, the Atlantic Ocean is part of their common history, identity and potential for developing advanced economic niches of excellence. There is no surprise that several regions are trying to implement their development strategies based on a broad Sea Cluster notion that encompasses a diversity of economic activities such as fisheries and aquaculture, coastal tourism, marine transports and activities based on marine sciences and maritime technologies. Based on the results of a trans-regional evaluation performed for the Atlantic Area under project KIMERAA, this paper evaluates the consolidation of the Sea Cluster in the Algarve, a Portuguese region internationally known by its coastal tourism. The region has also been experiencing a growing capacity in economic activities linked to marine sciences. This regional cluster did not emerge spontaneously and there are several initiatives to promote it. Interviews to regional actors showed light on two important issues. i) Which organization should be the main mediator to bridge science to market? ii) Who is the actor that is in a better position to assume a pivotal role in the formal consolidation of the cluster? Using social network analysis the main knowledge transfer mediator and the central actors are identified. Their roles and specific policy implications are underlined.

    A participação cidadã no processo de planeamento municipal em Portugal

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    Quando analisamos a participação dos cidadãos desenvolvida no âmbito dos processos de planeamento do território, em Portugal, verificamos inúmeros fracassos, seja porque a participação se limita aos momentos previstos na legislação portuguesa, claramente insuficientes (o período de audiência prévia aquando da decisão de elaboração do plano e um período de discussão pública quando o plano está já completamente elaborado), ou porque a população é sobrecarregada com inúmeros processos participativos que se sobrepõem, na maioria das vezes sem produzir resultados visíveis, provocando o descrédito dos cidadãos face a este tipo de processos. Não obstante, apesar das experiencias negativas, verificam-se também boas práticas no campo do desenvolvimento de verdadeiros processos de participação cidadã que acompanham os projectos urbanísticos. A maioria destes casos trata-se de intervenções urbanas (de pequena escala territorial) que foram reclamadas pela população, dando origem a projectos que são desenvolvidos em conjunto com os cidadãos. Os processos de planeamento e projectos urbanísticos, acompanhados de fortes estratégias de participação cidadã, apresentam francas vantagens face aos demais, uma vez que fomentam o “empowerment” da população, promovendo um maior envolvimento por parte dos cidadãos nos processos de transformação urbana e, consequentemente, um maior grau de aceitação e satisfação face às intervenções urbanas levadas a cabo. Por outro lado, o envolvimento da população permite também um maior e melhor entendimento das características do local de intervenção, possibilitando uma melhor adaptação dos projectos/planos às características físicas e socio-económicas da realidade que pretendem servir. Face às notórias vantagens em desenvolver processos de participação cidadã capazes de acompanhar as intervenções urbanísticas, parece ser evidente a necessidade de construir verdadeiros processos de participação cidadã, que vão para além dos momentos previstos na legislação, isto é, que acompanhem o desenvolvimento de um plano ou projecto urbanístico-18 ISSN 1139-7365, desde a decisão da sua elaboração até à sua formalização e posterior implementação. Assim, no presente trabalho reflecte-se sobre os desafios que se colocam actualmente face aos processos de participação cidadã, no âmbitos das intervenções urbanísticas, em Portugal, procurando definir orientações para a formulação de um processo de participação cidadã que seja capaz de acompanhar o desenvolvimento de intervenções urbanísticas de diferentes âmbitos e escalas territoriais.Analysing the citizen participation developed within the territorial planning processes, in Portugal, we found numerous failures, mainly because participation is limited to the periods established by the Portuguese law, which are clearly insufficient (in the decision of beginning the plan and a period of public discussion when the plan is already fully developed), or because the population is burdened with numerous participatory processes that overlap, most often without producing visible results, leading to the discrediting of citizens from this type of processes. Nevertheless, despite the negative experiences, there are also good practices in the development of citizen participation processes that truly follow up all the urban projects development stages. Most of these cases are small-scale urban interventions, claimed by the population, giving rise to projects that are developed together with the citizens. The urban planning projects including strong citizen participation strategies show great advantages over the others, once they fosters the population “empowerment”, promoting greater involvement by citizens in the processes of urban transformation and hence a greater level of acceptance and satisfaction with the urban interventions undertaken. On the other hand, the involvement of the population also allows a greater and better understanding of the intervention area characteristics, allowing a better adaptation of projects / plans to the physical and socio-economic reality that they intend to serve. Given the remarkable advantages in developing processes of citizen participation able to monitor the urban interventions, it seems evident the need to build real processes of citizen participation, which go beyond the periods provided by law. Instead, the citizen participation processes should go together with the development of a plan or urban design (since the decision of making the plan / project to its formalization and subsequent implementation), and be adapted to the specificities of each case and reality. Therefore, in this work we analyse the challenges currently faced by the implementation of citizen participation processes in the development of urban interventions, in Portugal. Through this analysis we try to establish guidelines to build citizen participation processes able to improve the development of urban interventions in different territorial scales.Cuando analizamos la participación ciudadana en los procesos de planificación urbana, en Portugal, encontramos numerosos fracasos, sea porque la participación se limita a los plazos establecidos en la legislación portuguesa, claramente insuficientes (en el inicio del proceso, cuando se decide desarrollar el plan y un período de debate público cuando el plan ya está completamente desarrollado), o porque los ciudadanos son sujetos a una serie de procesos participativos que se superponen y que, a menudo, no producen resultados visibles, lo que lleva al descrédito de los ciudadanos de este tipo de procesos. Sin embargo, además de las experiencias negativas, se verifican buenas prácticas en el desarrollo de verdaderos procesos de participación ciudadana capases de acompañar todas las etapas del desarrollo de los proyectos urbanísticos. En su mayoría estos casos son intervenciones urbanas (de pequeña escala territorial), que fueron reivindicados por la población, dando lugar a proyectos desarrollados en conjunto con los ciudadanos. Los procesos de planificación y desarrollo urbano, acompañados de fuertes estrategias de participación ciudadana, presentan fuertes ventajas sobre los demás, ya que promueven el “empoderamiento” de la población, promoviendo una mayor participación de los ciudadanos en los procesos de transformación urbana y por lo tanto, un mayor grado de aceptación y satisfacción con las intervenciones urbanas realizadas. Por otro lado, la participación de los ciudadanos también posibilita una mayor y mejor comprensión de las características del local de intervención, permitiendo una mejor adaptación de los proyectos / planes de la realidad física y socio-económica que pretenden servir. Dadas las notables ventajas en el desarrollo de procesos de participación ciudadana capases de monitorear las intervenciones urbanas, parece ser evidente la necesidad de construir verdaderos procesos de participación ciudadana, que van más allá de los plazos previstos por la ley, es decir, acompañando todas las etapas del desarrollo de un plan o de un proyecto urbano, desde la decisión de su elaboración hasta su formalización y posterior ejecución. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se analizan los retos que actualmente se ponen a la implementación de procesos de participación ciudadana en el desarrollo de las intervenciones urbanas, en Portugal. A través de este análisis se intenta establecer directrices para la formulación de procesos de participación ciudadana capases de mejorar el desarrollo de intervenciones urbanas en diferentes escalas territoriales

    A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west

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    As result of several field trips following doctoral research in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a new heathland named Lavandulo viridis-Ericetum lusitanici ass nova hoc loco (Genistion micrantho-anglicae, Rivas- Martínez 1979) as a thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, upper dry to humid, schistose association. The analysis of 11 relevés, following Braun-Blanquet methodology shows the floristic identity of this new association as well as the chorological segregation of its area of occurrence. Finally, despite these communities already being relatively well known and although they are poor in species number, such heathlands show floristic singularity and own sinecology, with a large and distinct geographical area of distribution, so we emphasized its integration within Atlantic wet heaths priority habitat (⁄4020 – Annex B-I from Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992)

    Alpha Amylase Workshop

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    Established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centre Progra


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    Energy and Chronopolitical Allegory

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    Around the mid-nineteenth century, what had hitherto been described as a multiplicity of physical forces was unified under the novel concept of energy. Working in tandem with and under the aegis of the transition to fossil fuel consumption, this reduction of multiple forces to one single unifying concept also entailed the suggestion that turning the compressed time of fossil deposits into the accelerated time of propulsion engines was not simply an economic but a moral imperative. Mobilizing the physical world on behalf of imperial policy, Victorian physics also helped intensify already ongoing processes of racialization. The talk will survey the ways through which language worlds, or unworlds, by detailing the usages of reduction, conflation, equivocation, and allegory, in and beyond the natural sciences. Ana Teixeira Pinto is a writer and cultural theorist based in Berlin. She is a guest professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg (AdBK) and a theory tutor at the Dutch Art Institute. Her writings have appeared in publications such as Third Text, Afterall, e-flux journal, Manifesta Journal, and Texte zur Kunst. She is the editor of a forthcoming book series on the antipolitical turn to be published by Sternberg Press. Together with Kader Attia and Anselm Franke, she is organizing the conference and podcast series The White West: Whose Universal, taking place at HKW Berlin, and she is a member of the 2022 Berlin Biennial artistic team.Ana Teixeira Pinto, Energy and Chronopolitical Allegory, lecture, ICI Berlin, 22 February 2022, video recording, mp4, 48:55 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e220222